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Пять позиций
    1. Научился не злиться снаружи, научись не злиться внутри.
    2. Убери пирамидки оправданий, не оправдывай себя, и ты услышишь голос совести, голос души.
    3. Будь счастлив. Счастье нематериально. Это всего лишь состояние души. Счастливый человек счастлив в данный промежуток времени и в данной точке, в которой находится.
    4. Не торопи время. Ты сумеешь остановить маховик своего внутреннего времени, и даже открутить назад.
    5. Служи Богу. Если ты живёшь честно, по совести, ты уже на службе у Бога.
    *** "Душа - вместилище вашего светлого, а тело - вашего тёмного. Если в тебе тёмного с мизинец, отрежут тебе мизинец и закопают, а ты вознесёшься. Много ты потерял? (Я ответил: "Нет") А наоборот?" И мне стало понятно, куда идти.
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Всего ответов: 33

So I have found the Input From the third class I have learnt to look pictures for a drawing lesson. Pictures I saw, closing eyes. They emerged from darkness: beautiful, 

colourful. But I could transfer to a reality only a poor excuse, idea of the picture. Later I began to enter into a hall where pictures which I can draw "hung". I came, 

chose the pleasant picture and transferred it on a paper to an album of the schoolboy. There was a winter, I have caught a cold and strongly was ill. Having closed eyes, 

I have entered into a hall to look pictures. In a hall there was a person. In white clothes and with a long white beard. He has stretched to me a bowl and has told: 

"Bitterns". I have drunk brightly yellow, amber liquid and have felt a grassy smell and sweetish taste, as if in a reality. Even leaving a hall, I still for a long time felt taste 

of a drink in a mouth. Parents strongly were surprised that from me unexpectedly began to smell as grasses. Were surprised also to my story. Having drunk a drink, I 

have asked the person: "Who you? The doctor?" He has answered:" No, I your guardian angel. We will go with me. "And we have passed lengthways to the following 

door. Is your office. Behind a door there was a room in which stood a table, a chair and the computer. - Here you can ask questions and receive on them answers, 

communicate with me. Sit down and key: the Input. I have obediently typed a word" Input ". The monitor has come nearer to me and as if has involved in itself... Trees 

Around grew. I stood on a glade. On a grass near to me there was a guardian angel. I have asked:" Where we? "He has answered:" We here live ". - And you always so 

look? - Is not present, so it is more convenient to you to communicate with us. And we look so... And for short time it became a blue cloudlet, on another I can not 

describe. I asked a guardian angel about everything what could recollect. Then he spent me back, having told:" You can always address to me and ask ". And I asked 

about everything, and he explained to me". Here I will tell that ran into my memory. The most important thing. That memorable day I have asked a guardian angel, 

whether it is possible for me to write down all our conversations. He has answered: "Is not present. Be cautious, do not create one more fairy tale for people. Them and 

so it is too much". And still he has told:" I will show you five positions, five steps on which you will go. They not difficult, but it will be difficult. Without them nobody 

has seized secret knowledge. About them know for a long time and they are told on a miscellaneous, but a basis one, and they conduct in one place."And he named to 

me the first position:
 1. Has learnt not to be angry outside, learn not to be angry inside.
 - As it? And what for? - I have asked. It is simple. Do not lose once again a situation-razdrazhitel, and energy of anger which does your person red and forces to make 

rash acts, will cease. Having learnt, you will seize the internal energy and can operate it, and even to throw out on the big distances. In practice all has appeared more 

difficult. I have counted about hundred repeated memoirs of small insult which supported in me a rage. I have heard all five positions approximately in a current of three 

 2. Clean piramyds of justifications, do not justify itself, and you will hear a conscience voice, a soul voice.
 - at all different conscience, - I have objected. You are mistaken, at all at you conscience identical, since the birth. But you justify yourselves: "I have been compelled; 

he is guilty; all so do; a life such etc." You learn to lie and do bad acts. But even the inveterate criminal at heart knows that does badly. To realise to it it stir chains of 

justifications which he for itself(himself) has made. - for what? - I have asked. - you blindly go on a life. Piramyds justifications you close to you a way, and went on 

road blindly. Therefore get to bad situations. I will describe one dialogue which to me was engraved in the memory further. - do not try to be completely light. While 

there is money, it is almost impossible. - Means, there will be no once money? - Yes. - And I have seen that money became a card, on a card the account has grown, 

and it has departed. - there will be a communism? - It is more and more deeply... - And further? - Learn Further, when will approach this stage of your development, as 

to horizon. - so means, it is possible to go to a nayward? He has answered. Here those words which have amazed me: "Soul - a receptacle your light, and a body - your 

dark. If in you dark about a little finger, will cut off to you a little finger and will dig, and you will rise. Much you have lost? (I have answered: "is not present") And on 

the contrary?" And me it became clear where to go.
 3. Be happy.
 "at you - three possibilities of happiness. Looking forward which pursues happiness. (" There will be at me it, and I will be happy "). He tests only short instants of 

happiness. Looking back which looks back and then understands that about it was happy. And happy. The main thing to understand that the happiness is non-material. 

It only a state of mind. The happy person is happy in the given time interval and in the given point in which is." - that I to you have told, and that you will tell another, 

will bring happiness. Without dependence how the person concerns it.
 4. Do not hurry time.
 "you hurry him, trying to mature faster. Hurry н to a stop when wait the bus. Hurry everywhere. Learn to enjoy time and to appreciate it." - What for? - I Have asked. - 

Having learnt, you will manage to stop a flywheel of internal time, and even to turn off back. 

 I Consider some more dialogues significant. Except steps, probably, they will benefit you: 

 * "do not tower and do not belittle others, all of you are identical" - I have heard. Also has seen a field of a green grass. - you see? - He has asked. "You, as this grass, 

differ from each other a little, and the difference between you is insignificant, and trees on this field do not grow. But some of you ennoble themselves as if trees, and 

glorify other them, belittling itself".
 *Не condemn any religion. All of them conduct in one place. As different doors in one hall. 

 *I has asked: "Many can tell with you, or only some?" - all. Simply, to everyone the information differently arrives. To Someone signs, to someone from books, music, 

songs, TV, the Internet... From everywhere. - And why you do not learn people at once to all? - We learn, but we can explain words and in the images which at you are. 

If I explained, how the atom, to the ancient person I would tell is arranged:" There is a column, and round it goes on a leash one or several mules. But it does not mean 

that there there is a column and mules. 
 5. Serve God.
 I have asked: "It is necessary to refuse all wordly?" - is not present. If you live fairly, on conscience, you already on service at God. 

 the last that I here wish to write, it is a question: "That such a sin and how with it to struggle?" I long asked. "The sin is born in your thoughts, passes through a body 

and comes back desire. Stop it in thoughts. In thoughts to stop easily. To struggle with desire, the big will power is necessary." Whether 
 On a question "it is possible to describe positions on the Internet", I have received the answer "it is necessary, if you do not make it, will make others, but will pass 

time". - the new Whence will come? - From the Internet. That system which has generated it, from from it and will receive the death. From it will go association all of 

you. Here again you will understand that YOU - the main force, instead of those who while it I name.


Input - what is it? the Bridge connecting consciousness with subconsciousness? Or an exit in an information field? Or it what allocates all live? Probably, our ancestors 

had simple clear communication with all Universe, but have forgotten. There were magic societies which keep a secret that by right belongs to all. An input it is 

accessible and simple. The elementary technics, allowing to touch secrets of a universe. The input occupies from 5 till 15 minutes. In many doctrines on it years leave. I 

never could understand, what for so to complicate, simply enough to open a door effort of will. To one person or a secret society it will not bring result on which it is 

calculated. An input should know all. It is flash of progress, the invention, opening. Will win all society, all mankind. Vhod 1 step. Close eyes and simply look in 

darkness. Before eyes there will be points. Order to them to rotate. It is possible to make a rotary motion a hand before the person. If you have seen rotation, mobile 

enough consciousness for an input means at you. 2 step. Make so that everything that rotates, pulled together to the centre and became a sphere. 3 step. Order to a 

sphere to become a small fish and if you have seen a sphere it becomes a small fish. Consider it. 4 step. Confidently speak to itself: "the Small fish becomes a door". 5 

step. Tell: "I effort of will will open a door", and simultaneously open. The door will open easily. Coming, speak to itself: "Now I will enter into an art gallery. In it there 

will be pictures which I can draw". You will see many pictures. Consider one of them. That which most of all was pleasant to you. You will see even dabs on a canvas. 

6 step. Tell: "On the other hand rooms one more door, there my office." Open a door. In most cases people see the computer. Here so is much more habitual. Here, 

probably, you will see not so accurately. Try to present any regulator. Twist it, yet do not receive the stable image. 7 step. You sit at the computer. Type questions 

which you interest, answers will be given you. They will come from your subconsciousness. DO NOT ASK to SHOW YOUR FUTURE. FROM PERSONAL 


PEOPLE ANEW. 8 step. Type: the Guardian angel. On the screen there is an old man in white though any image is possible more often. Press "INPUT". All 

surrounding is washed away. The screen ceases to be a barrier. You will appear on the nature, near to the Guardian angel. Ask it, whether it will help you. The answer 

always one: yes. Ask that you interests, but yours faithfully. Greet and say goodbye to it. If you pursue science, you can receive answers to all мучившие you 

questions, it will be possible to make the important opening, having reduced time. We do not know, how many at time mankind. On some questions of answers will not 

be, do not demand. This interdiction concerns some moments of a life after death. On my question: whether it is possible to show an input to people, the Guardian 

angel has answered: it is necessary.


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